Heart of the Village” is Cortes Natural Food Co-op’s submission for The Cooperators National Coop Challenge. Trying to raise money to purchase the land CNFC sits upon, its members entered the challenge with eyes on a $220,000 prize. Managing an up beat and succinct summation of why CNFC really is essential bricks and mortar for the Cortes community, the video creators goes beyond the 750 families served by the food coop alone but also into the vibrant space itself that provides a home to a bakery, bike and book shop. While shop isles and front porch are daily community nexus points, Friday nights its basement houses a community music jam, and from May to October it’s courtyard, bordered by swing set and sandbox, operate as informal zocalo and spontaneous play school.
CNFC has become an increasingly central part for both resources and livelihoods on Cortes, and it has weathered a decade of both island politics and winter storms, rising each year with brighter vision and even more resilience.
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